Have you read Cowboy Ethics – a book focused on showing the financial world how far they have moved away from the values and principles that some of this country’s greatest heroes lived for? Originally, I bought the book because I was intrigued by the photography of the American West, but as soon as I opened the book I began reading, and next time I looked up, I had finished the book.

Cowboy Ethics Code of the West David Stoecklein Photography

It really made me take into consideration the Code of the West that the author presents. True, some of the legendary-ness (that may not be a real word, but it sure fits this spot) of the American Cowboy may be stretched or idolized, but the true message of the story comes through loud and clear. The message may be aimed at the financial leaders of the country, but the story is for all Americans to read and to take into account.

Cowboy Ethics – Code of the West

Live Each Day with Courage

Take Pride in Your Work

Always Finish What You Start

Do What Has to be Done

Be Tough, But Fair

When You Make a Promise, Keep It

Ride for the Brand

Talk Less and Say More

Remember That Some Things Aren’t for Sale

Know Where to Draw the Line

Do you have any Cowboy Ethics that would apply well to the world today?

These may sound like a fantasized lyric from some ole worn out country song, but after reading through the story from the author I got to thinking about where my priorities are set and how I treat myself and those around me.

So I strongly recommend this book by author James P. Owen as a good read for those interested in an encouraging read, and not to mention the awe-stirring photos of the American Western Rancher from David R. Stoecklein. I would even consider this as a great gift for those you feel the need to share the message with.

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