How do ag-gag bills affect farm transparency?

Do you feel that the so-called ag-gag bills are prohibitive? Will these laws hamper efforts to stop animal cruelty? Does this impede our efforts for transparency in the food systems? This was originally published on CNN Eatocracy on April 19, 2013. Click here to see all of my CNN articles. I will start this off with a … Continue reading How do ag-gag bills affect farm transparency?

Quality Food Begins With Quality Animal Care

If you have been following along with my posts, you'll know we are in the middle of Spring Vaccinations. We are gathering each herd of cattle, administering vaccinations, and rotating each herd through pastures of fresh, green grass. I just watched another video depicting unacceptable treatment of calves, and I thought it would be a good … Continue reading Quality Food Begins With Quality Animal Care