Believe it or not, we are on the down-hill slope of December, and Christmas is only a few weeks away. This is a week where so many are gathering with family and friends around a huge feast, enjoying each others’ company, and exchanging gifts. Just like any other meal, do not forget to Thank a Farmer or Rancher for their hard work to produce that food.

A couple of friends were discussing last week whether or not Santa is a Farmer. Here are few of the many reasons Janice and Anna came up with:

  • Whether or not he actually PREFERS cold weather I don’t know but there is indisputable evidence that many times extreme weather conditions including BLIZZARDS attempt to get in the way of a day’s work. Not nice but work gets done as needed.
  • There is a herd that is incredibly well cared for. Understanding exactly what to mix in the food to keep livestock healthy and support their development has been a point of discussion and study.
  • Those boots can take anything! With the long days he works in all sorts of weather, he depends on the best.

Check out the rest of the list on Janice’s blog post “Indisputable Facts: Santa is a Cowboy, Rancher or Farmer.

Sounds like a fair enough proposal to me. Santa is a Cowboy because he proudly wears those boots, even when on vacation, takes a crazy ride on his unpredictable stock, and gives a hearty holler loud enough for us all to hear.

You know Santa has to be a Rancher because he wrangles those reindeer year-round. Working to feed and care for his herd is no small feat, but he and his wife work through all sorts of weather to get the job done.

Of course you know Santa is a Farmer because he works year round for a single harvest where he can spread joy and good cheer through providing for others. No doubt he does it unselfishly, knowing that his hard work will make life better for others all around the globe.

What about you? Do you think Santa is a Cowboy, Rancher, or Farmer? I thought Janice and Anna came up with a good discussion to ruminate. Spread the good cheer yourself this week!

Merry Christmas to everyone!