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3 inspiring audiobook recommendations for runners

I really hit the audiobook list hard last week (see my training journal) and finished three separate books (along with several podcasts). I was able to draw inspiration and food for thought from all three books as I train for running longer distances. Definitely happy to add these to my book list.

One key I’ve found very useful when listening to an audiobook is slowly increasing the speed at which you listen. You will pick up on the speed increase and be able to keep up with the increase over time. With earbuds, I’ll listen to an audiobook and podcast at 2.5x speed. Listening with speakers, I’ll slow it to 2x speed. This allows me to get through much more material in much less time.

My favorite audiobook app is Audible from Amazon. They have a massive library of audiobooks and regular sales with steep discounts. Depending on your level of subscription, you get at least one audiobook each month. Use this link to start your Audible Membership.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

By Angela Duckworth. This book shares several great examples of defining, identifying and demonstrating the strength of character and finding the passion and perseverance in others with grit. I found myself constantly thinking of ways I could improve my own work to demonstrate more grit and how I might identify those characteristics in those I work with to better delegate tasks or make requests from teammates. Some good food for thought on how I can continue working to improve myself.

80/20 Running: Run Stronger and Race Faster By Training Slower

By Matt Fitzgerald. I came across this book through several recommendations in the running world. But the motivation to add this to my bookshelf came after listening to Matt Fitzgerald on the Diz Runs podcast. I don’t necessarily have the desire to be the fastest runner, but I do want to be a stronger runner. The 80/20 concept involves making sure 80% of your training takes place at an easier pace so that you’re not burning yourself out – and complementing that with strength training. Definitely, some concepts that I may look to incorporate into my training for ultramarathons.

The Road to Sparta: Reliving the Ancient Battle and Epic Run That Inspired the World’s Greatest Footrace

By Dean Karnazes. I actually listened to this from start to finish in one day (Sunday, my dead day). It is an entertaining and intriguing look back at the legend of the first marathon. Focusing on the journey of Pheidippides, we learn that the story is much more than his final 25 fatal miles. Dean takes us back to Greece and adds quite a bit of context to the 153-mile run from Athens to Sparta that leads up to those final storied miles. Just imagine what our running world would look like if that final marathon hadn’t taken place.

Check out my book list for a look at other great reads that are on my bookshelf. Do you have any audiobook recommendations for me?

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