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Proud to be a Rancher!

It is National Agriculture Day! Did you thank a farmer and rancher for their hard work to produce the food that ends up on your plate? If not, you should do it today, as well as the other 364 days in the year.

This week has been Spring Break, but not a very active one for me. Monday all four of my wisdom teeth came out, which left me asleep in the recliner of dad’s house for a few days. However, we have had some comfortable Arkansas weather over the last couple of days, so I ventured out into town to visit family and the Mark Martin museum. It is somewhat cool to have a NASCAR Legend from our hometown of Batesville, not everyone gets that opportunity.

In case you missed it, this was National Agriculture Week; a week for the celebration of agriculture and an opportunity to educate the public about the good story we have to tell. Since I was on the couch for half of the week, I had the opportunity to follow several conversations on Social Media about the event. There are so many stories being told about what agvocates are doing to spread the word about agriculture. One post caught my eye when someone asked the question “Why are you proud to be a part of Agriculture?”

To read the whole post on Working Ranch Magazine’s blog click here

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