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Antibiotics In Milk #FlatRyan

Tennessee dairy farmer Ryan Bright, who writes Silo Skies, took us up on the offer to host Flat Ryan on his farm! And Ryan Bright’s secret agent cows from The Udder Side watched what he was up to and they prepared the following blog post on it.  Thanks Ryan! And we hope all of you enjoy learning from Flat Ryan’s new adventure. Please feel free to submit your own post that explains some of the production practices, facts about agriculture in your state, etc by taking Flat Ryan on an adventure of your own

We caught The Farmer playing with a paper doll. I mean we saw him using crayons and scissors like a kindergartener. And then he brought the paper doll with him to the dairy farm.

Then The Farmer and the paper doll he called Flat Ryan put together this video about antibiotics in milk. Make sure you watch it to the end!

There are times when antibiotics are needed on a dairy farm such as when a cow like me, or a calf, gets sick. However, The Farmer goes to great lengths to make sure no milk with antibiotics leaves the farm because that milk can never be sold. Period.

As it turn out The Farmer is participating in The Ag Proud Adventures of Flat Ryan. The purpose of taking a paper version of Ryan Goodman around is to share farm facts like the kind you can find at Agriculture Proud. Be sure and check that blog out and then download your own Flat Ryan to color, cut out, and take on an adventure! Follow the adventures with the hashtag #flatryan and learn more agriculture facts!

Agent 101, reporting from the Udder Side, and hoping The Farmer is finished playing with paper dolls.

via The Udder Side: #FlatRyan Learns About Antibiotics In Milk.

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