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Will you be part of the Food Conversation?

This morning a friend shared with me a link to an Occupy Our Food Supply page. A group of “thought leaders and activists,” including the likes of Willie Nelson, Michale Pollan, and Woody Harrelson, plan to invite the masses in their crusade to end corporate exploitation of our food system , starting on Monday, February 27. The group has an extensive number of resources on their page, a social media network plan (#F27), and seem to be zeroed in on Cargill. Rainforest Action Network is behind the Occupy protest – a group based out of San Francisco, with many who profess themselves to be “tree-huggers.”

So HOW and WHY should members of the agriculture community respond?

I’m with Ray Bowman when he says we should just keep doing what we are, but maybe pick up the pace a little bit. There will certainly be many misconceptions flying around the web and rallies on Monday. Earlier “Occupy” movements across the nation have proven that the media soaks up these types of protests, so there will be an audience.

I suggest members of the agriculture community continue sharing their stories, and emphasize what role corporate actually does/doesn’t have in modern Agriculture. We know that most farms and ranches in the country are owned and operated by families and individuals, not mega corporations turning out cubes of chemicals like some want us to believe. How do we use services from these companies in a beneficial way?

To the farmers and ranchers producing crops and livestock, have you discussed why you chose to plant seeds or raise animals from your respective line of genetics? Are you bound to their regulations by a ball and chain? Brian Scott has a few posts that are good examples of sharing this insight.

So I encourage you to join the conversation if Occupy our Food Supply comes your way, and this stands as yet another example of why we need farmers and ranchers to step up and share their stories, hopefully correcting many of the misconceptions that float around about modern agriculture.

Be sure to share any previous blog posts or news stories you may have on the food topics.

If we don’t join the conversation, someone else will. #RealFoodFacts

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