Questions about food and farming abound | Ask A Farmer

  I've had some pretty interesting comments on my recent CNN Eatocracy article: Farmers aren't evil. Now can we have a civil conversation? Here are a few worth sharing. HomeGrower: I made it easier for myself. I don't have to hold a dialogue with a farmer. I grow my produce sans GMO's and chemicals and … Continue reading Questions about food and farming abound | Ask A Farmer

Farmers aren’t evil. Now can we have a civil conversation?

I don't know about you, but I get pretty frustrated when trying to have a civil conversation, but can't wade through all of the mud that is being slung in the process. This happens a lot when trying to talk about food and farming online. These are emotional topics and each side of the table … Continue reading Farmers aren’t evil. Now can we have a civil conversation?

Conversations with a Balanced Education | AgriTalk Radio Interview

Over the past few weeks I have really enjoyed the feed back from my articles on the CNN Eatocracy page. My first post introduced the topic of searching out food conversations between farmers and customers. Many great questions and points of concern were raised with this one. My second article explained how to find these … Continue reading Conversations with a Balanced Education | AgriTalk Radio Interview

hereford cow

No bull – start a conversation with a farmer

How do you start a conversation with a farmer? This entry was originally published on CNN Eatocracy on July 03, 2012. Click here to see all of my CNN articles. No bull - start a conversation with a farmer First impressions are critical when it comes to forming opinions; unfortunately, they do not always convey the entire story. … Continue reading No bull – start a conversation with a farmer