Photo credit: Unknown

“The stockman whose training has been solely in the school of experience often holds in light regard that which is written concerning his vocation. Let him remember the facts and truths are the same whether the repository is a book or the human mind. Held by the latter, all perish with the possessor; in keeping of the former, the whole world may be benefited.”

“On the other hand, novices usually underestimate the importance of experience, often thinking that by reading they can acquire the knowledge necessary in the prosecution of their business. That stock feeding is an an art and not a science, and that experience and judgement must rule in its successful conduct, is recognized in our books.”

“The eye of the master fattens his cattle.”

–W.A. Henry, 1898

Found this in one of my cattle nutrition books. Thought it was well worth the share. Hopefully it’ll give you something to ruminate on.

If you have to ask why I’m reading books from the early 1900s on livestock nutrition… Well, it’s an #AgNerd thing. You wouldn’t understand! Haha… Have a great weekend!

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